"…cosmic consciousness shines through many lamps, not just one…It also shines through the hearts and minds and souls of those open to it."
Antler, 2013
Marin Interfaith Climate Action (MICA) invites any and all Marin County religious communities and individuals, and climate change organizations and activists of any or no religion to join us in working to ensure a sustainable Planet Earth for future generations. We meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Contact us at marininterfaithclimateaction@gmail.com for location.
We welcome collaborations with, and offer support to, others in their efforts towards the same goal. Let us know about your projects so that we can strengthen them with our presence and enlarge them by enjoining our networks.
Baha'i Community
Congregation Kol Shofar
Congregation Rodef Shalom
Covenant of the Goddess
Dominican Sisters of San Rafael
First Presbyterian Church of San Anselmo
First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael
Green Gulch Zen Center
Islamic Center of Mill Valley
Marin Interfaith Council
Mill Valley Community Church
Mount Tamalpais Methodist Church
St. John's Episcopal Church, Ross
Sausalito Presbyterian Church
Sleepy Hollow Church
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin
United Religions Initiative (global)
Unity in Marin
Westminster Presbyterian Church
The following secular groups are valued members:
California Interfaith Power & Light
Canal Welcome Center
Marin Environmental Housing Collaborative
MCE Deep Green
Mill Valley Community Action Network
Resilient Neighborhoods
Seniors for Peace
Shore Up Marin
Sustainable Marin
Sustainable San Rafael
United Marin Rising
350 Marin
“Hope is not naive, and hope is not an opiate. Hope may be the single greatest act of defiance against a politics of pessimism and against a culture of despair.”
Rabbi Sharon Brous
Auburn Senior Fellow

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